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Section 1 - About You
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Section 2 - Navigating the Web Site
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Section 3 - The accessibility Toolbar

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Section 4 - Any other comments

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Aims, Ethos and Values

Howgill Family Centre was established “to promote any charitable purpose for the benefit of the inhabitants of Whitehaven and area, including the advancement of education and the provision of facilities for recreation and leisure time occupation, in the interests of social welfare and with the object of improving the condition of life of the said inhabitants” (Memorandum & Articles of Association).


Howgill’s Mission: We work to improve the lives of children, families, and their communities in Copeland.

  • We provide distinctive services to children and families, based on trusting relationships.  Our services are accessible, and care is taken to include the most disadvantaged.  We specialise in providing early help and emphasise prevention.  We develop innovative approaches to family support.
  • Our approach is collaborative.  Families are at the centre of what we do, and we have high expectations of the adults in the relationship. There is a recognition that people with whom we work have responsibilities too – to act safely and responsibly.  We work in constructive partnerships with a very wide range of organisations across the public, private and voluntary sectors.
  • Our aim is to foster greater independence and resilience.  We believe people can address the issues they face – recognising that they need support in the forms of information, skills, and confidence to enable them to do so.  We will enable people, when they are ready, to move beyond the point where our support is required.  We encourage former service users to become volunteers, sponsors and patrons.
  • We provide support for Children and Families throughout West Cumbria so that every child might have equality of opportunity to achieve their full potential.  Our ethos is that of ensuring children receive a high-quality and fun filled education in a welcoming and friendly environment, enabling them and their families to grow in learning and confidence.  

British Values at Howgill Nursery

The Department for Education has introduced a statutory duty for schools to promote British Values more actively, and to ensure they are taught in all schools.  At Howgill Nursery we recognise the role the nurseries have in promoting the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs as defined by the governments 2011 Prevent Strategy. These values are promoted through the delivery of activities that promote and develop children’s personal, social and emotional skills. 

  • We are committed to serving our community.  We recognise the multi-cultural, multi-faith and everchanging nature of the United Kingdom. We strive to ensure that there will be no discrimination against any individual or group, regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status, or similar.
  • We ensure our children have a voice and listen to their ideas and thoughts.  We encourage our children to be confident to share their ideas.
  • We encourage our children to be active decision makers and make choices throughout their nursery day.
  • We have high expectations of our children and encourage them to understand how to behave and work alongside others. They learn why rules are important and what happens when rules are broken.
  • We provide a safe and supported environment where all our children are given the opportunity to make their own choices and decisions about their own learning. They are encouraged to follow their own interests and staff celebrate children’s individuality.
  • Our staff at Howgill Nursery encourage children to develop a positive attitude towards others, respecting each other’s individuality. We create a harmonious environment where children celebrate each other’s achievements and respect each other’s ideas.

Working to improve the lives of children, families, and their communities in Copeland.