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Section 1 - About You
  1. Please select your gender

  2. Please select your age group

  3. Do you have any impairments yourself?

Section 2 - Navigating the Web Site
  1. We would like to know how easy you found being able to navigate your way around the web pages of this web site?

  2. Were there any particular web pages you found difficult to access?

Section 3 - The accessibility Toolbar

Each of these questions are about the different features that are on the toolbar.

  1. Choose a different fontWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to choose and use a different font.

  2. Choose different letter spacingWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to choose and use different letter spacing.

  3. Choose different line heightsWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to choose and use different line heights.

  4. Choose different font sizesWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to choose and use different font sizes.

    Very helpful
    Neither helpful nor unhelpful
    Very unhelpful
    Prefer not to say
  5. Highlight page linksWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to highlight links within the web page.

  6. Choose different colour schemesWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to choose different colour schemes for the web pages.

  7. Turn images on or offWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to turn images off or on.

  8. Use the screen rulerWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to use the screen ruler.

  9. Use the screen maskWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to use the screen mask.

  10. Understand the ToolbarDid you find the features on the toolbar easy to understand?

  11. Additional featuresAre there any other features you would like to see on the accessibility toolbar?

Section 4 - Any other comments

Thank you for your time to answer the questions on this questionnaire.

Our Staff

We believe that every child has a voice and should be heard

We believe that every child has a voice and should be heard. Our practitioners work together, sharing their knowledge and experiences.  We’re incredibly proud of our lovely team of Practitioners. All our practitioners are enhanced DBS checked before commencing work and are qualified from  level 2 – level 5.


Faye Eldon


Early Years Project

Stephanie Carrick

Early Years Team Supervisor - Babies

Charlotte Howgill

Early Years Project Worker

Cleator Moor Nursery

Carris Park

Early Years Deputy Setting Manager

Caitlin Challenger

Early Years Deputy Setting Manager

Courtney Chester

Early Years Practitioner

Debra Smith

Early Years Practitioner

Kayley Nicholson

Early Years Practitioner

Kirbie Thorpe

Early Years Practitioner

Laura Garroway

Early Years Practitioner

Ellie Maxwell

Early Years Practitioner

Latitia Kimmins

Early Years Apprentice

Keeley Maxwell

Early Years Apprentice

Laura Hall

Nursery Assistant

Jemma Bainbridge

Nursery ~Assistant

Gemma Halligan

Nursery Assistant

Staci France

Early Years Practitioner

Demi Miller

Early Years Practitioner

Lara Casey Woods

Early Years Practitioner

Whitehaven Nursery Team

Esther Lewthwaite

Early Years Team Supervisor - 2's +

Anita Hunter

Early Years Deputy Manager

Lynn Ashburne

Early Years Practitioner

Susan Johnston

Early Years Practitioner

Karina Slater-Rodwell

Early Years Apprentice

Carla Jones

Early Years Practitioner

Kells Nursery Team

Emma Moorhead

Early Years Setting Manager

Rhianne Barwise

Early Years Deputy Setting Manager

Katelin Robinson

Early Years Practitioner

Sophie Mumberson

Early Years Apprentice

Natasha Ormond

Early Years Practitioner

Emotional Wellbeing Team

Janine Gagan

Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner

Katherine Brown

Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner

Beverley Wilson

Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner

Giselle Nejady

Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner

Administrative Team

Gracie Rogan

Office and Business Apprentice

Libby Martindale

Operations Support Officer

Premises Team

Michael Barwise


Good Enough Start Team

Chloe Falconer

Parent Infant Practitioner

Caitlin Atkinson

Parent Infant Practitioner

West Cumbria Baby Bank

Christine Davey

Volunteer Coordinator

We believe that every child has a voice and should be heard.